Extension Museum of Plaster Molding of the National Museums Berlin

Berlin, 2022 / Commendation

A free-standing gate building on Sophie-Charlottenstraße leads to a flatly sloped entrance forecourt and thus strengthens the currently little noticeable address of the Museum of Plaster Molding in the neighborhood. Further structural interventions on the listed old building façade are therefore unnecessary. Access to the historic gateway is via a narrow ramp that crosses the characteristic greened front garden of the building. This front garden will be reworked in accordance with the historic model.
The historic existing building will remain the face and address of the Museum of Plaster Molding in the future. In the south wing, the store, exhibition and old forge areas, which are relevant to the public, will be made accessible. Here, the powerful architecture of the old building characterizes the space. Towards the front garden, higher-value uses such as offices and meeting rooms are arranged, while the north wing accommodates ancillary rooms and the packing plant and provides an interior transition to the new building. The upper floors of the existing building will house storage areas with lower climatic requirements. Interventions in the historic building are to be minimized so that the history of the site remains tangible for visitors.

Site plan


Competition 2022

Ground floor

View from the yard