The brightly sparkling new building of the New Apostolic Church rises out of a tree-covered lawn and marks the western entrance to the city of Pforzheim. The sculpturally shaped structure is immediately recognizable as a sacred building. Its sloping roof rises from the flat eastern end towards the west and is crowned by a striking skylight above the church hall. A gently sloping ramp leads the visitor up to the churchyard, which is enclosed on all sides. A solitary tree dominates the center of the courtyard and creates a place of tranquility and transition from the hectic pace of everyday life to the solemnity of the worship. The access of the church takes place along a continuous spatial axis, which links the churchyard, foyer and church hall and has the altar and the cenitally illuminated rear wall of the altar as its destination. The chosen material combination of clay plaster, silver fir wood and mastic asphalt works with the natural colors of the materials, creating a warm impression and a special character.
Multiple assignment 2018
1st place and construction
Wildbader Straße 2
75172 Pforzheim