Refurbishment and expansion of education center with adult education center, music school and daycare center

Rottenburg am Neckar, 2019 / 1st place and construction

The historic school building, dating from 1887 and located on Sprollstraße, will be renovated in accordance with the preservation order and will house Rottenburg's adult education center in the future. It will be joined by a contemporary twin building, in which the daycare center and the music school will find their new home. Under the roof of the new building, a large event hall creates space for a variety of cultural events. The two buildings are linked by a centrally located staircase. While the new building and the old building resemble each other in typology and volume, the new building shows itself in materiality and detail as an abstracted interpretation of its historic neighbor. Insulating concrete base, prefabricated window framing and scratch plaster transfer a classic building type into the 21st century. The surrounding open space is transformed into a traffic-free forum for Rottenburg's new educational center.

Site plan / Ground floor plan


Procurement procedure 2019
1st place

Sprollstraße 22
72108 Rottenburg am Neckar